
Hello Friends!

It feels so good to be back to blogging after a few months.  With a new school year, a daughter now in high school, and lots of projects going on around my house, I've been crazy busy!  I'm finally feeling a little more organized and back and ready to blog!  I wanted to share about a few new products and freebies that I've been working on.

I am always looking for extra addition and subtraction practice sheets for my first graders.  These themed sets are perfect for extra practice!
This is a set of eight worksheets. Four with a November theme (football & leaves) and four with a December theme (gingerbread, New Year's, & presents). 

Here are a few pictures of some of the worksheets:

And here is a freebie for you!

I recently updated my pocket chart calendar cards.  This update has taken me several months and it is finally complete!  If you've purchased this set in the past, just re-download and you'll get the newest version.  The older version is still available in this zip file download.  Here are some pictures of just a few of the cards and graphs included:

You can check out these cards {HERE}!

If you'd like to see a blog post about using these cards in a pocket chart, you can see my older cards {HERE} in the pocket charts I use.

My first grade teacher friends and I dressed up as the Three Little Pigs and The Big Bad Wolf for Halloween.  Several weeks prior to Halloween, we all read several versions and did A LOT of activities surrounding this story.  We had so much fun!   I created a word search and would love to share it with you all!  Just click below!

Have a wonderful week!


Happy September!

Hi there it's Leslie!  
Happy September!
I just recently returned back to school after summer break, and am on week two with my first graders.   We're having a great time!  If this is one of your first weeks back I hope you are all off to a great start with your kiddos as well!  These last two weeks have been very busy.   I've been busy training my first graders on how to work during reading stations. I'm hoping to have the kiddos using them independently by next week.  You can read about how I incorporate stations {HERE} and you can find lots of station ideas {HERE}!
Last week was full of Pete the Cat activities, and this week we have a few apple life cycle activities planned.  If you'd like to check out our Apple Sort & Label (life cycle & apple parts ) you can stop by {HERE}.  You can also stop {HERE} to check out what's inside this set!  Here's a little apple freebie I made this week.  Just click the picture below for your copy!

Apple Word Search

Here's another word search freebie to celebrate back to school!

Two newest additions to our store are August and September Show and Tell Apron cards.   I am currently working on an October set.  I love to incorporate these at my pocket chart station.  If you'd like to see what's included in these sets, just click on the pictures below!  

We wanted to give a shout out to Feedspot for recgnizing us as one of their Top 100 Elementary Teacher Blogs and Websites for Elementary School Teachers.  What an honor to be part of this list!  Thank you so much Feedspot! 

If you'd like to check out their list, just click {HERE}.

Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week!

Happy Summer!

Happy summer!  Hope you are all having a great start to summer and are finding time to relax!  This is my first full week on summer break and I am FINALLY feeling like I can relax, although school is still on my mind.  I'm thinking of creating a maker space in my classroom this year, and would LOVE any tips or advice that any of you have.  Please comment below, I am in need of suggestions!  I did find this article the other day and have created a Pinterest board as well.  If you follow us on Pinterest, you can check it out here:
Maker Space Pinterest Board

I also wanted to share  about a few new products that are in the works!  I am in the process of creating quite a few more items and several new freebies to go along with them!  I am also working on updating a few products as well.  My list is so looooong!  

Here's one new set that I just posted today!

Here are a few examples of the worksheets

I am always looking for extra addition and subtraction practice pages for my first graders throughout the school year, so I decided to create themed sets that will get progressively more difficult.  The first set that I created focuses on counting on 0, 1, 2, or 3 and counting back 0, 1, 2 or 3.  There are 8 worksheets total.  If you'd like to check this September/October set out, stop on by HERE, or click on any of the pics above!

In the works are:

I am hoping to have all sets up before I head back at the end of August. 

 Here's a back to school freebie to go along with this set.  
Just click below if you'd like a copy!

Hope you all have a great rest of your week!  
Feel free to comment below with any Maker Space suggestions!  


Digraphs, Diphthongs, and Freebies OH MY!

Happy Sunday!  Hope you are all enjoying your weekend and to those of you that are already on summer vacation, ENJOY!  I hope you find some much needed time to relax!
  My first graders and I have a few more weeks due to several snow days.  We still have lots to do and  I have several fun themed activities planned for my first graders!
This last week my first graders went to the zoo for our annual zoo field trip.  SO MUCH FUN!  We had absolutely perfect weather (which for the last several years has been not spectacular) 70+ degrees and was filled with lots of zoo themed activities.  See below for several ideas I incorporated into my stations and a few zoo themed math freebies :).
A few weeks ago we ended our digraph and diphthong sound focus.  I created a set and finally added it to our store.  If you'd like to check it out you can go {HERE} or click any of the pictures below! Here are some items included in this set:

This set includes:

 48 SMALL PICTURE/WORD CARDS : These cards can be used for sorting.
Small Sorting Cards

 SORTING MATS & RECORDING SHEETS: These sorting mats can be used for sorting the small sorting cards above.  After sorting, students can record words on recording sheets.
Sorting Mat

Recording Sheet 
24 RHYME CARDS (MATCHING GAME): These cards can be used for a matching game. Players begin by placing face down. First player flips two cards over. If they rhyme, the player keeps both cards. If they do not rhyme, flip the player flips both cards over and it’s the next player’s turn. Winner is the player with the most cards.
Rhyme Cards (matching game)

 I HAVE WHO HAS CARDS: 30 cards are included in this set.  These cards contain pictures  and words.  If playing with less than 30 players, you could give players additional cards.  
I Have Who Has Cards

48 LARGE PICTURE/WORD CARDS: These cards could be used in several different ways. 
Here are two ideas:
*For matching, cut them apart so the words are separate and match the words with the pictures. These cards fit nicely in a pocket chart.
*To play a matching game, distribute word cards evenly between players. Place picture cards face down. First player flips over a picture card. If he/she has the matching word, he/she picks up the card. If not a match, flip card over and it’s the next player’s turn. First player with all of their matches complete is the winner.
Large Picture/Word Cards
Here's an ew oo word search I have included during my intervention time. 
 Just click the picture below for your copy!

And here are a few of the zoo activities I incorporated last week.  Just click on the pics for links!
Since these last few weeks in math have been a review of what we've been doing all year, I made some review worksheets that focused on double digit addition and subtraction.  I also created some place value review.  You can find this entire freebie {HERE}!

Several versions of this worksheet are included.

We've been doing a lot of opinion writing pieces this month.  I wanted to share a freebie that I created to go with an opinion writing piece my first graders did a few weeks ago.  After reading Hey Little Ant we created two anchor charts.  One listed reasons why the boy SHOULD squish the and and the other listed reasons why the boy SHOULD NOT squish the ant.  Then my kiddos completed their own opinion writing and made a picture.  If you'd like the writing template along with pages for drawings, just click {HERE} or on the picture below!

I also included several zoo themed stations this last week!
 If you're following my stations that I incorporate into my reading block, here's what we started last week, and will finish up in a few days!  This is our last set of stations for the school year.  Several stations this week are zoo themed.

*Sand Station: Kinetic sand and sand tools.

*Social Studies: My students create their own zoo map which can be found in our Zoo Map Pack that can be found {HERE}.

*ABC Station:  Zoo Keeper Line Up ABC Order.  This freebie can be found in this set {HERE}.

*Publishing Place: Five Little Monkeys book which can be found in this freebie set {HERE}.

*Artist Alley:  My kiddos first write a giraffe poem following a template that I created.  Then they make a giraffe craftivity that can be found {HERE}.  

*Pocket Chart Place:   Kindness sort that can be found {HERE}.  May pocket cart cards that can be found {HERE}. Animal movement sort from {HERE}.
And a number sort that can be found {HERE}.

*Word Way:  Write It! An activity using Dolch words.  This set can be found {HERE}.

*Read a Write the Room: Write the Walls.  This template can be found {HERE}.  I give my kiddos clipboards and my special pens to use as they write the room!

Need more station ideas?  Just click on the links below!

Click {HERE} if you'd like to see the first week and some info about my station work!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!

Click {HERE} for other station ideas!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend!


Yay For May!

Happy May!  I just love this month!  Our weather here in Oregon starts to dry out a little and we FINALLY see more sunshine YAY!  This week I finished up my May Show and Tell Apron Cards.  These work great in Show and Tell Aprons, but also work nicely in pocket charts, or at a table!
  I print the vertical cards and my kiddos match the pictures to the words use these at our pocket chart station.  This works great for vocabulary development.  My kids also enjoy organizing the cards in ABC order.  If you'd like to check these out, just click on the picture below!  February-May are all finished and I'm currently working on a June set.  September-January will also be added throughout the summer months :)  

Here's a little worksheet I will be incorporating into my intervention activities this week.  It includes some of the words used in my May Show and Tell Apron set.  If you'd like a copy of this freebie, just click below!  

Opinion writing has been a BIG focus these last several weeks in my classroom.  There are so many great stories to incorporate while teaching opinion writing.  One story I LOVE to use is I Wanna Iguana by Karen Kaufman Orloff.  I created a format for my first graders to use as support while writing their opinions.  On the first line is where my kids write should or should not, based on their opinion.  Then they give their two reasons to support their opinion, and finally restate why they strongly feel Alex should or should not have an pet iguana.  Also included in this little freebie are half sheets with an iguana picture.  There are several different options :)  My kiddos each chose a picture and drew something different around or near the iguana.  Their writing pieces along with their picture, are displayed in our school hallway.    Pictures will be added soon!  If you'd like your a copy of this freebie, click below!
 If you're following my stations that I incorporate into my reading block, here's what we started last week, and will finish up in a few days!

*Listening Station: iPod shuffles- What's in the Sky?, The Cow That Laid an Egg,  & Down Comes the Rain

*Exploration Station: Magnetic wands and various small objects that are magnetic and non magnetic.  My kids sort them and draw about which objects will attract and which will not attract to the magnetic wand.

*Stamp Station: *Stamp a Word- Write it Stamp it can be found {HERE}.  I  place sight word cards at this station that my students can write or stamp, or they use the word wall.  

*ABC Station:  Word puzzle pieces very similar to these HERE, but I found mine at Walmart last summer.  Also at this station are spring/earth day ABC order worksheets that can be found {HERE}.

*Publishing Place: Frog is Hungry book which can be found at Reading A-Z .  I print the book in a wordless version and my kiddos make up their own text to the story.  So much fun!

*Artist Alley:  Fingerprint dandelions.  I got the idea from this post {HERE}.  

*Write the Room:   Read and Write the Room: April words that can be found {HERE}

*Word Way:  Oi Oy Secret Code Words and Spin a Word that can be found in this pack {HERE} 

*Fine Motor: Line Art.  I create a master page that looks like the anchor chart found {HERE} and my kids great pictures using different line styles.  Lacing cards are at this station as well.  

Need more station ideas?  Just click on the links below!

Click {HERE} if you'd like to see the first week and some info about my station work!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week!


Last Minute Earth Day Ideas

Happy Thursday!  I have had an awfully crazy busy week, but wanted to stop by quickly to show you a few Earth Day activities I'll be doing this Friday with my first graders.  This is the second year that I've had my kiddos make THIS cute little craft from The Resourceful Mama.   
Here's my little example below :)  
You can find the directions {HERE}!
Here's a little writing activity that my kiddos glue on the back.  
Just click on the pic below if you'd like to grab a copy! Two versions are included. 
Here's a fact family Earth Day themed worksheet set we'll also be doing on Friday.  
There are two worksheets and two versions of each worksheet.  Click below to grab this freebie!  
Hope you all have a great rest of your week!  I'll be back in a few days with some new products, freebies, and some station ideas! 


New Products, Freebies, and Lots of Literacy Station Ideas!

Hope you are all having a great start to spring!  I'm currently on spring break and thought I'd fill you in on some new products I've recently added, some freebies related to some topics we're learning about in my first grade classroom, and lots of literacy station ideas!

R-controlled vowels are and will be a big sound focus for the next several weeks in my first grade classroom.  The week before spring break our focus was er, ir, & ur.  When we return it will be or and the week after that ar.  I created a little r-controlled vowel set with lots of goodies to help my first graders when recognizing these sounds.  If you'd like to check it out you can go {HERE} or click any of the pictures below!

This set includes:

 SMALL PICTURE/WORD CARDS : These cards can be used for sorting.
Small Sorting Cards

 SORTING MATS & RECORDING SHEETS: These sorting mats can be used for sorting the small sorting cards above.  After sorting, students can record words on recording sheets.
Sorting Mat

Recording Sheet 

RHYME CARDS (MATCHING GAME): These cards can be used for a matching game. Players begin by placing face down. First player flips two cards over. If they rhyme, the player keeps both cards. If they do not rhyme, flip the player flips both cards over and it’s the next player’s turn. Winner is the player with the most cards.
Rhyme Cards (matching game)

 I HAVE WHO HAS CARDS: 30 cards are included in this set.  These cards contain pictures  and words.  If playing with less than 30 players, you could give players additional cards.  
I Have Who Has Cards
30 LARGE PICTURE/WORD CARDS: These cards could be used in several different ways. 
Here are two ideas:
*For matching, cut them apart so the words are separate and match the words with the pictures. These cards fit nicely in a pocket chart.
*To play a matching game, distribute word cards evenly between players. Place picture cards face down. First player flips over a picture card. If he/she has the matching word, he/she picks up the card. If not a match, flip card over and it’s the next player’s turn. First player with all of their matches complete is the winner.
Large Picture/Word Cards

Here's an r-controlled vowel word search and ABC order freebie that I have included during my intervention time.  Just click the picture below for your copy!

Here's something new that I've also just added to the store!  I LOVE including these cards at my pocket chart station and they truly help with my first graders vocabulary development.  February, March & April are now available!  To check out this April set you can go {HERE}

Telling time to the hour and half hour was our math focus last week.  I created these cards which I cut in half and my kiddos did a whole group matching activity using this and our large pocket chart.  It was a great review!  You can download this little freebie {HERE}!

 If you're following my stations that I incorporate into my reading block, here's what we started last week, and will finish up a few days after we return from spring break!

*Syllable Sort: March Syllable Set that can be found {HERE}.

*Puzzle Place: Puzzle Place: 100 piece tiger puzzle, 60 piece Pinkalicious puzzle, and environmental print puzzles.  {HERE} is an example of what the environmental print puzzles look like.  I cut them up myself and place them in baggies. 

*Word Way:  Long i Secret Words worksheet that can be found in this pack {HERE} and Write it! with -ir & -er words.  You can get this worksheet by clicking the picture below!

*Fine Motor: Dot Sight Words.  I type up 5-6 sight words (usually longer sight words this time of the year like because, enough, thought, etc...) in a light gray colored font.  My students dot paint them with cotton swabs.  After they are dry, I staple them like a book and the student practices reading the set that he/she created.

*Pocket Place:  March and April words that can be found {HERE} & {HERE}.

*Word Family:  Rhyme match game that can be found {HERE} & Word Family Blackout that can be found {HERE}.  

*Dice Drive: Roll a Sight Word that can be found in this set {HERE} and Sight Word Bingo.  Just click the picture below to check out Sight Word Bingo!

*Artist's Alley:  Bunny craft and poem.  The cute bunny craft can be found {HERE}.  My kiddos complete a writing activity to glue on the back of the bunny's face.  My students make the oval face vertically, so the poem fits nicely on the back when glued.  You can download the writing template and and see an example by clicking either picture below below!
Need more station ideas?  Just click on the links below!

Click {HERE} if you'd like to see the first week and some info about my station work!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week!