
Water Cycle

This last week was all about the water cycle in our classrooms. With such limited time for science these days, we've narrowed our weather unit down to water cycle, and are kids are loving it! We've used some great freebies before from The First Grade Parade, but these year felt like we needed some new stuff.  We started by introducing some sweet song, and making a chart as a class to introduce the water cycle.
Here are two of the songs that we sang with our kiddos.
If you'd like a copy just click on one of the pics below!

We've labeled a few pictures of the water cycle too, and made our own posters.

We have a black and white copy for your kiddos that can be found with some freebies {HERE}.

We created a water cycle in a bag using an idea we found {HERE}. The kids are really into this experiment, and were amazed when we arrived this morning and we are starting to have "clouds" forming at the top of the bag.

 We have done a great little art project where the kids got to create their own water cycle. If you'd like the printables for this, as well as some cute cards for labeling and making your own poster, you can find them {HERE.}

Here's a great video introducing evaporation, condensation, and precipitation:

And of course the first graders always love this video for fun!

Here are vocabulary cards that we displayed in a pocket chart
while learning about the water cycle.  

We ended our water cycle unit by creating mini books.
Just click the pic below if you'd like to check out our mini book!

Here's a cute interactive water cycle!
Thirstin's Water Cycle

Have a great week!


  1. Hi

    We would like to use the create the poster activity but it wont let me save so I can share it with my grade level. Could you send me a copy of it to gdesantiago@topamai.com? Thank you.
