
Rainbow Fun

We've just ended our weather unit and thought we'd share our rainbow activity we did!
We began by reading a few books about rainbows.  
Here's a cute Sid the Science Kid Rainbow Song that helps kids remember the colors of the rainbow and gives a brief explanation on how rainbows are formed.
After reading about rainbows, we had our first graders complete a shared writing with us.  

Next we really wanted our kiddos to understand the sequence of how rainbows are formed.  We divided our kids into groups of three and gave them sentence strips with the words first, next, and finally written on them.  We also gave each group a card with a picture of rain, the sun, and a rainbow.  Each child in the group chose a picture card.  Next, the groups put their words in order and each took a turn telling a part of the sequence.  We had the kids switch picture cards and say the sequence two more times so they each got a turn with all three picture cards.  If you'd like a copy of the sequencing cards just click below!

 Here's a cute rainbow art project our kids completed after learning about rainbows.  We gave them pre-cut tissue paper squares.  Since our rainbow had six sections we encouraged them to make a tiny row of blue and then a tiny row of indigo in the fifth section (see in the picture on the top right below).  
Just click below if you'd like a copy of the rainbow we used.  We enlarged it to fit a 9x12.

We also thought we'd share a fun cloud lesson we recently found!  If you are learning about clouds in your classroom, have a SMART Board, and are familiar with the SMART Exchange website, below is a fun interactive cloud lesson focusing on the three main types of clouds.  Our kids just LOVED the lesson!

Wishing you all a FABULOUS rest of the week!

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