
Catchin' up with some freebies!

So who's ready for Spring Break?  We definitely are, and it's starting to finally feel a little like Spring around here!  We're looking forward to some much needed family time.
We've been busy in our neck of the woods and we thought we'd share a few freebies that you might be able to still use, or tuck away for next year.

Even though you're all probably all done with your 100th day celebrations, we thought we'd give you a little freebie that you can tuck away for next year.  Here's a mini 100th day pack:

Our kiddos had so much ful making the poster that's in this pack.  We enlarged it to 8 1/2 x 14 (legal). Here's a picture of an (almost) completed poster:
Download our 100th Day Mini Unit {HERE} in our TpT store!

We just finished our graphing unit in math and created a few extras to go with it.
If you'd like some extra picture and bar graph practice worksheets, you can download them {HERE}

Here's a few Easter themed addition worksheets that you might be able to use next week.

We created the Easter Egg double digit worksheet because we just can't find many worksheets that help  our first graders add double digit numbers without regrouping.  
With the Easter Egg Fact Family worksheet just have your kiddos roll two dice, add the numbers together, and then finish the fact family using the two addends and sum.  We used Dice in Dice, which our kiddos just love!  Here's a little close up of the Easter Egg Fact Family worksheet:

Both worksheets can be downloaded {HERE}

Have a wonderful week!  


  1. It's never to late to share wonderful resources!
    THANK YOU! Stop by anytime!

  2. Thanks for the great freebies. I will tuck that 100th day one away until next year.

    Fantastic First Grade Froggies

  3. We finished graphing as well, but now I see some more weather observing and graphing in their future!
    thank you
    Going Nutty!

  4. Thanks for the freebies! I will be using the weather one! :)
    Rambling About Reading

  5. So glad you all could use our freebies!

  6. Thanks so much for the wonderful freebies!

  7. Love your hundreds day booklet! So cute.
