
New Products, Freebies, and Lots of Literacy Station Ideas!

Hope you are all having a great start to spring!  I'm currently on spring break and thought I'd fill you in on some new products I've recently added, some freebies related to some topics we're learning about in my first grade classroom, and lots of literacy station ideas!

R-controlled vowels are and will be a big sound focus for the next several weeks in my first grade classroom.  The week before spring break our focus was er, ir, & ur.  When we return it will be or and the week after that ar.  I created a little r-controlled vowel set with lots of goodies to help my first graders when recognizing these sounds.  If you'd like to check it out you can go {HERE} or click any of the pictures below!

This set includes:

 SMALL PICTURE/WORD CARDS : These cards can be used for sorting.
Small Sorting Cards

 SORTING MATS & RECORDING SHEETS: These sorting mats can be used for sorting the small sorting cards above.  After sorting, students can record words on recording sheets.
Sorting Mat

Recording Sheet 

RHYME CARDS (MATCHING GAME): These cards can be used for a matching game. Players begin by placing face down. First player flips two cards over. If they rhyme, the player keeps both cards. If they do not rhyme, flip the player flips both cards over and it’s the next player’s turn. Winner is the player with the most cards.
Rhyme Cards (matching game)

 I HAVE WHO HAS CARDS: 30 cards are included in this set.  These cards contain pictures  and words.  If playing with less than 30 players, you could give players additional cards.  
I Have Who Has Cards
30 LARGE PICTURE/WORD CARDS: These cards could be used in several different ways. 
Here are two ideas:
*For matching, cut them apart so the words are separate and match the words with the pictures. These cards fit nicely in a pocket chart.
*To play a matching game, distribute word cards evenly between players. Place picture cards face down. First player flips over a picture card. If he/she has the matching word, he/she picks up the card. If not a match, flip card over and it’s the next player’s turn. First player with all of their matches complete is the winner.
Large Picture/Word Cards

Here's an r-controlled vowel word search and ABC order freebie that I have included during my intervention time.  Just click the picture below for your copy!

Here's something new that I've also just added to the store!  I LOVE including these cards at my pocket chart station and they truly help with my first graders vocabulary development.  February, March & April are now available!  To check out this April set you can go {HERE}

Telling time to the hour and half hour was our math focus last week.  I created these cards which I cut in half and my kiddos did a whole group matching activity using this and our large pocket chart.  It was a great review!  You can download this little freebie {HERE}!

 If you're following my stations that I incorporate into my reading block, here's what we started last week, and will finish up a few days after we return from spring break!

*Syllable Sort: March Syllable Set that can be found {HERE}.

*Puzzle Place: Puzzle Place: 100 piece tiger puzzle, 60 piece Pinkalicious puzzle, and environmental print puzzles.  {HERE} is an example of what the environmental print puzzles look like.  I cut them up myself and place them in baggies. 

*Word Way:  Long i Secret Words worksheet that can be found in this pack {HERE} and Write it! with -ir & -er words.  You can get this worksheet by clicking the picture below!

*Fine Motor: Dot Sight Words.  I type up 5-6 sight words (usually longer sight words this time of the year like because, enough, thought, etc...) in a light gray colored font.  My students dot paint them with cotton swabs.  After they are dry, I staple them like a book and the student practices reading the set that he/she created.

*Pocket Place:  March and April words that can be found {HERE} & {HERE}.

*Word Family:  Rhyme match game that can be found {HERE} & Word Family Blackout that can be found {HERE}.  

*Dice Drive: Roll a Sight Word that can be found in this set {HERE} and Sight Word Bingo.  Just click the picture below to check out Sight Word Bingo!

*Artist's Alley:  Bunny craft and poem.  The cute bunny craft can be found {HERE}.  My kiddos complete a writing activity to glue on the back of the bunny's face.  My students make the oval face vertically, so the poem fits nicely on the back when glued.  You can download the writing template and and see an example by clicking either picture below below!
Need more station ideas?  Just click on the links below!

Click {HERE} if you'd like to see the first week and some info about my station work!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week!


Hello March!

Yay for March!  I always look forward to March because March means SPRING!!!!  Although it rains a lot here in Oregon, I am hoping this March will bring more sun than we had in February.  We've had a cold and wet winter and this teacher is ready for some SUNSHINE!  It's been a while since my last post and I have several word sort freebies to share with you all :) I incorporate these into my small reading groups and create them based on our current sound focus in our reading program.  
Thought I'd share a few freebies that I used with my first graders a few weeks ago!
This little long a freebie contains February themed clipart, but could really be used anytime!  
Click on any of the pictures below to download!

This next freebie focuses on the long e sound.  

Last week we finished up our dental health unit.  I purchased these two resources and they were wonderful!  

Dental Health Unit: Activities to Teach about Teeth and the Dentist

And if you have Netflix there is a fantastic Sid the Science Kid episode that my kids loved!  It's season 1 episode 16: A Brush with Teeth.  We watched a little bit each day after we were packed up and waiting for the busses.
This week's sound focus in my classroom is long i (ie, i_e, y, igh)  and I found this
 Long I  fabulous freebie !  I'll be incorporating some of the activities in my small groups and during my intervention block. 

Here's a March themed worksheet that I will also use during my intervention block.  Just click the picture below if you'd like a copy!

 If you're following my stations that I incorporate into my reading block,
here's what we just finished up with at the beginning of last week:

*Sequencing Corner: The Very Hungry Caterpillar book, sequencing cards, and printable emergent reader.  There are several sets of sequencing cards that you can find on TpT and Pinterest.  The ones I use are came from Abby's store {HERE}.  I just cut the numbers off.   She has several other options like {THESE} which could also work.  The emergent reader can be found {HERE}.

*Puzzle Place: Puzzle Place: 100 piece puzzles and environmental print puzzles.  {HERE} is an example of what the environmental print puzzles look like.  I cut them up myself and place them in baggies. 

*White Boards: My kiddos write their weekly word list first, then write their own words or sentences.

*Rhyming Road:  Rhyme concentration, rhyme book, rhyme match.  These items can be found {HERE} and {HERE}.

*Digraph Dilemma: Make & Take Phonics Mini Books: Consonant Digraphs that can be found {HERE}.

*Word Wall Wizard: Hidden Words worksheet that can be found {HERE}.  This is ALWAYS a favorite with my first graders!

*Word Way:  Sight Word Pop.  Printable popcorn can be found on our blog {HERE}.  I bought popcorn containers from the dollar spot at Target.  They are similar to the ones {HERE}.  I also put Word Whiz out at this station.  You can check them out {HERE}.

*Artist's Alley:  Abraham Lincoln craft that can be found in {THIS} Evan-Moor book.

Click {HERE} if you'd like to see the first week and some info about my station work!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!

Have a wonderful week!