Happy Sunday! A few weeks ago we focused on counting by tens with our kiddos and you can go
{HERE} to read all about it and download a counting by 10's freebie! Well, last week we did an activity that focused on counting by 5's and we thought we'd share our creations with you all!
We began this activity using cards like these:
There are several activities that you could do with these cards:
1. Place cards in a pocket chart and students practice counting by 5’s to 120. Then have students close their eyes and remove 1 card. Have students try and guess what number is missing.
2. Print number cards twice and use to play a matching game. Students turn over 2 cards at a time, name the numbers, and try to find a number match. If the numbers match he/she keeps both cards. The student who has the most matches at the end of the game wins.
3. Have students work with a partner and place the number cards in order
while counting by 5’s.
Next we had our students each make a counting by fives book. Each child gets 1/4 of the sheet that looks like this:

We pre-cut these for our students.
Then we gave each of our students 3 double sided sheets that look like this:

Giving each student 3 double sided sheet makes 24 pages total inside their book. We had our students cut these out themselves and then we stapled their books together.
While they were waiting for the others to get their books stapled, they wrote their names on the cover and colored the title.
Once everyone had their book stapled we began counting by 5's. On the first page we wrote 5, and then drew 5 of the same shape, on the second page we wrote 10 and again drew 5 shapes (different from the first page). We continued writing numbers and drawing five shapes on each page until we reached 120. Then we explained to our kiddos that we have 120 total shapes on our book and we counted them all by 5's from the beginning.
We also made some worksheets to go along with this activity. These could be great for homework or morning seat work.
You can go {HERE} for the cards, book masters, and the worksheet above. We've even included a blank master too!
Here's another worksheet that you might enjoy too!
You can find this worksheet {HERE} and we've also included a blank master with this one too!
And now for our winner. We had 5 comments on our post asking for advice about reading programs. Thank you for all of your comments.
Congratulations #2 Mrs. S. who said,
"My district uses Treasures also. We are allowed to choose which parts we use or leave off. We found the Phonics portion to be very weak, so we use Saxon Phonics instead. I like the basal okay. There is a good mix of fiction and non-fiction, but some of the stories are not that great. I hardly ever use the workbook, but I do like the big charts that came with the series."
Mrs. S. please email us and let us know which fall related item you would like
Have a great week & thanks so much for stopping by!