Doubles and Race Car Games Giveaway
Motivational Monday Vol. 5
This is a quote that I came across, and it made me think. I know that today, I may have just been a good teacher, but hopefully, more often than not, I'm better than that.
"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
-- William Arthur Ward
For putting up with me tonight, I thought I'd share a math game with you all! We are really working on reviewing all of the skills we've learned so far in first grade, with enormous hopes that maybe it will stick. :) This is a game, very similar to go fish, that works on addition. Hope you enjoy! Click on the picture for your own copy.

Make sure to check out our Race Car Math Game on TPT!
Race Car Math Games

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Race to the Greatest- Math Printable
Addition and Subtraction Recycle

And the winner is....
Marc Brown

Don't forget to enter our Creepy Crawler give away! We will draw a winner tomorrow night. Have a great night!
Motivational Monday Vol. 4

Creepy Crawler Unit Give Away!

And of course, we'd like to give a lucky blogger friend the chance to win our unit for free! There are four ways to enter, so leave a comment and link for each that you do.
1. Follow our blog
2. Blog about First Grade Fanatics
3. Follow our Teacher Pay Teachers store
4. Blog about the give away
So, that's four chances to win!
We will draw a winner Wednesday at 7:00 PST. Good luck! And don't forget, if you can't wait to get started, you can purchase our unit at our TPT store! Need a fun creepy crawler game? Don't forget to check out Going Buggy at TPT as well! Good luck!
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Solid, Liquid and Gas
Daily 5
Listen to Reading was one of the hardest parts for us to implement. We worried about how much we'd have to spend to get books with cds, how would we keep track of all those books, should they be separate from our classroom libraries? The first thing we did was invest in some iPod Shuffles. These are very reasonable, you can find them for $40, and at times they are at the Apple Education store under the refurbished section. Same warranties and everything!
We then decided to keep things organized, we'd also get matching color bins to keep the ipods and books in, so that it's easy for the kids.
The kids now know them as the "blue iPod," "pink iPod," etc. We also decided that instead of just letting kids choose listening, it would be a rotating schedule. If they didn't want to listen on a particular day, fine, but they had to wait until their name comes up again. Each ipod has different books according to theme, holidays, or whatever we feel like at that time.
The last part was fairly simple, after sitting in a Daily 5 class for a few days. We have Macs, and they come with Garage Band. We didn't need to have every cd, we could just record ourselves reading. Maybe many of you do that already, but the idea seemed genius to us! It really helps because we aren't limited on the books we can choose. Now of course the cds that come with books are more fun, so we include those as well. iTunes is also a great place to get the stories, and those are pretty cheap. We have a master list of books with cds that we all share. It is actually working great! We asked the kids to bring in ear buds, so they don't have to share.
Hope this helps anyone who is wanting to implement Daily 5 in their classroom. What other tips do you have?
Don't forget our Daily 5 record sheet. Click HERE to get it!
Going Buggy Winner
True Random Number Generator 13 Powered by RANDOM.ORG
*Again, we're having trouble showing the results of the number generator. Is it a Mac thing? We can't seem to get the picture to work. Any ideas blogger friends?
Bug unit preview...

We are working on our Bug unit for TPT right now, and hope to have it finished and up by this weekend. Be watching for a giveaway... But for now, we've uploaded a fun game, Going Buggy. If you liked Weather Walk, then you will love this! The task cards can be used in either game, and this game includes even more! It's great for review, or for centers. Please stop by and check it out! Click the bee, and it will send you right there!

Want your game for free? Leave a comment tonight telling us how you would use this game, and we will draw 1 lucky winner at 10:00 pst. Good luck!
Motivational Monday Vol. 3
Happy Monday blogger friends! Hope you all have a great week! :)
Water Cycle Experiment

This week we will be reviewing the water cycle and conducting a water cycle experiment with our first graders. Here's what we’ll do:
1. Fill a plastic bowl with 1-2 inches warm water. Place an empty baby food jar in the middle of the water. Cover the plastic bowl with plastic wrap.
2. Set a marble on the center of the plastic wrap above the baby food jar. Make sure the marble causes the plastic wrap to sink down a bit in the middle. This will help direct the “precipitation” to go into the jar.
3. Place experiment in a sunny spot for a few hours, or one day. It’s best to do this on a sunny day or set the experiment in a windowsill.
4. Several hours later or the next day, check inside the baby food jar. There will be water.
5. The warm water from the bowl evaporated. Condensation occurred when it hit the plastic wrap, then moved down the plastic wrap to the center due to the weight of the marble, and then dripped into the baby food jar as precipitation.
This experiment can be found HERE and also HERE. Both include using salt water, but it is not necessary. Below is one of our response sheets our first graders will complete after the experiment. Click HERE to get both copies!

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Cloud Art/Writing Activity

Earth Day Unit Winner!
*On a side note, we are having problems copying and pasting the results of the true number generator. We did use the correct numbers, but they aren't showing up. Any suggestions? :)
Weather Walk on TPT
Click on the picture below to purchase the game!

Motivational Monday Vol. 2
Earth Day Unit Give Away!

We have jumped on the bandwagon, and have finished our first unit for Teachers Pay Teachers. It is 52 pages of literacy, math and even a bit of science fun based on Earth day! Earth Day is coming up on April 22nd, and since our school is a "green school," this is an important day for us. We do some school wide cleanup projects, as well as cleaning, and recycling in our own rooms. This packet is filled with activities for you to use, including adjectives, nouns and verbs, ABC order, addition and subtraction, place value, literacy connections, and some great group activities. You can get all of this for only $5.00! But..... we'd also like to give one away! So, here are three ways you can enter to win our Earth Day Unit Giveaway:
1. Follow us on our blog, and leave a comment on this post.
2. Follow us on TPT, and leave a comment on this post.
3. Blog about this giveaway, and leave us the link in a comment on this post.
Three ways to win! But you better hurry, we will pick a random winner on Wednesday April 6th, at 4:00 PST. Good luck! We hope you enjoy our unit!
Can't wait until then to get started? Click below to purchase or see our unit at TPT.

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Antonym Ants

Along with working on homophones we have also been working on antonyms. The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss is a great read aloud to introduce antonyms. Our first graders really enjoy this book, and many are able to read the book themselves. Here is a antonym word sort for extra practice. Click HERE to get your copy!
Earth Day is on the way...

Earth Day is coming up in April, and we've been working very hard on our first Teachers Pay Teachers unit, to be here this weekend. Watch our for a great unit filled with math, reading, writing, science, and much more!
You can tell we are still new to this so please bear with us! Here is a recording sheet for yesterday's "Smarty Pants Contractions." Enjoy!