
Christmas *Freebies* and Holiday Cheer!

Is anyone else panicking that Christmas is just TWO WEEKS away? We're not sure how the time is flying by so fast, but we do what we can to keep up. We wanted to share a few quick freebies with ya'll if you need some fun holiday cheer in your room. Make sure to check out our reindeer freebies we posted last year too. 

Make sure to check out our Elf Freebies as well!

And this year we are adding our Christmas Tree Addition and Subtraction Set as well as our Christmas Fact Families. Make sure to head on over to our shop and get your copies for FREE!

If youre interested in a fun game for your holiday party, make sure to check out our newest product Christmas BINGO. Great for the classroom, home or any Christmas Party! This includes 30 different Christmas BINGO boards. Print and laminate, or copy and let the kids color and take home. Hope you enjoy!
We're sorry we aren't around as much these days, but life with our firsties, as well as our own kiddos at home just gets busier and busier. We are adding a little fanatic to our bunch this spring, as Erin is pregnant with baby #4, and due in April. But we promise we will continue to bring you fun ideas and freebies as much as we can! We love sharing with all of you, and love all of your ideas as well. We've got many more things in the works, so it shouldn't be too long before you hear from us again. Enjoy the last few weeks with your firsties before Christmas!