
Happy June!

Hope you all are having a fabulous weekend!  I got to have some much needed family time with cousins and was able to squeeze in some yard work!  I also was able to finish this little insect theme worksheet set!  
I have two weeks left with my first graders and next week is filled with a few insect activities.  I will beginning the week by talking about insects and then spend a day focusing on ladybugs and bees.   I'll share with you a few of the things I'm incorporating into my lessons this week!

I just found this book and absolutely LOVE it!  Its a perfect book to introduce insects and it even rhymes like the traditional Dr. Seuss books!  Super cute!
Here's a little freebie I created.  I'll include into a math lesson or math station. 
Just click the picture if you'd like to download!

This insect theme worksheet set that I finally finished will be incorporated throughout my week.  These worksheets will be choices during math/literacy stations, used during my intervention time, and also available for students who finish lessons early and would like something other to do than write or read.  Below is a sample of what's inside.  You can click on any of the pictures below to check this product out! 


Here are two books that I always make sure to read throughout 
the day that we talk and learn about bees.  

Here is an anchor chart that I made last year.  It's all laminated a ready to go this year!
This is an example from Sweet Kindergarten.

This freebie has many great resources that I use.  My kids write down facts using the honeycomb page and we also use the anatomy of a bee worksheet.

This freebie has a fun bee craftivity that I just LOVE!

Two of my favorite read alouds on our ladybug day are these two below: 

I use anchor chart that I found on Pinterest HERE .  

After completing a ladybug fact web about ladybugs, my kids have an option of completing  ladybug life cycle worksheet that is in the freebie below.

Or they have the option of completing a life cycle wheel like the one below.  The one pictured below is just like the one I have.  The masters are from  Teacher Created Resources Thematic Ladybug Unit which can be found {HERE}.   I found THIS FREEBIE on teachers pay teachers which is so super cute and very similar!  I'll definitely be using this one next year!

I hope you all have a fantastic week & thanks for stopping by!