
Some Freebies and Station Ideas!

Happy December!  Hope you're all doing well and your December is off to a good start!  I've been busy, busy, busy with my first graders!  This last week we've already had 2 snow days and 1 two hour delay due to snow and ice and it's not even winter yet!  Yikes!!  Here's to hoping we can get their Christmas gifts made and wrapped in a week!

If you're looking for some last minute read alouds this holiday season, here is a list of some favorites that our followers enjoy reading!

Next week will be filled with lots and lots of gingerbread activities.  Many can be found {HERE}.  In our Gingerbread Galore Unit!  Since last week was a long a_e focus I made a little freebie as a review for this upcoming week.  If you'd like a copy, just click the pics below There's a worksheet as well if you'd like to have your students write the words after sorting.

 I also will be putting this worksheet out at my intervention time.  During our intervention time, I meet with reading groups and my kiddos choose a variety of literacy activities to complete.  I usually put out a few worksheets that relate to our current reading focus.  Here's a worksheet that I made and put out last week when our focus was the long a sound (a_e).  Click the picture below to grab yourself a copy!

Lastly, here's a Christmas themed word search that I plan on using at some point next week.  If you'd like this as well, just click below!

If you're following my stations that I incorporate into my reading block,
here's what we're starting next week:

*Listening Station: iPod shuffles- If You Take a Mouse to the Movies & Merry Christmas, Splat

*Stamp Station: *Stamp a Word- Write it Stamp it can be found {HERE}

*Publishing Place: Rudolph!, Rudolph! Rhyming Book which can be found  {HERE} 

*Puzzle Place: Large floor puzzle and environmental print puzzles.  {HERE} is an example of what the environmental print puzzles look like.  I cut them up myself and place them in baggies.

*Pocket Place:  Large pocket chart with short vowel pictures and words can be found {HERE}.  Also at this station are Christmas words that can be found {HERE}.  I cut these cards and my students match the picture to the word.  Also at this station are christmas themed ABC order.

*ABC Station: ABC order Christmas words from this pack that can be found {HERE} and ABC order color and number words that can be found in this pack {HERE}.

*Word Wall Wizard: Sight Word Ornaments.  The activity can be found {HERE}.  I make sure to place this station near my word wall so my kiddos can write word wall words :)

*Write the Room:  Christmas Write-the-Room which can be found {HERE} and Read and Write the Room: North Pole & Gingerbread words that can be found {HERE}

*Artist's Alley:  Snowy Evergreens.  Here's where I got the idea! I made several tree templates that my first graders can trace if needed :)

Click {HERE} if you'd like to see the first week and some info about my station work!
Click {HERE}for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!
Click {HERE} for other station ideas!

Have a wonderful week!