
Happy Fall!

Hope your fall is off to a great start!  I am on my fourth week with my first graders and FINALLY feel like we are in a routine!  YAY!!!!  Training my kiddos on reading stations takes two weeks and now they're able to independently (with a little teacher support :) complete their stations, and I can now lead small reading groups and IRLA conference with my students.  I am really loving IRLA as an assessment tool, but it I am definitely still in the learning process since this is our first year implementing it in my school.  If you have any tips or advice, I'd love to hear them!  

I decided to change up how I do reading stations in my classroom this year.  You can read about what I did last year {HERE}.  This year my kiddos begin by reading good fit books from their book boxes, either to self or a buddy.  After reading, they can continue reading, choose one of their two station choices, or read from the classroom library which we call Library Lane.  Library Lane and many other adorable station names and cards can be found in Kickin’ it in Kindergarten’s It's Station Time cards.  I just LOVE these!  My station activities change every six days.  Since last year was my first day following this plan, I decided to keep a list of which stations I do :)  I am SO glad I did!  Planning stations has been so much easier this year.  There were days last year when creating station activities was easy and there were A LOT of times in which I spent many weekends searching for new ideas! So I thought I'd share with what I do.  I will try and share when I change stations.  If you do reading stations and are looking for some new ideas feel free to stop by and check out my list!

Here's what we're currently finishing up with:

*Listening station:  iPod shuffles-The Little Red Hen, My Daddy Snores, & 
  A Bad Case of the Stripes
*Wikki Stix: Word mats that can be found {HERE}
*Stamp a Word- Write it Stamp it can be found {HERE}
*Puzzle Place: An alphabet puzzle and environmental print puzzles.  {HERE} is an example of what the environmental print puzzles look like.  I cut them up myself and place them in baggies.  
*Dice Drive: Roll a Word (Dolch words) can be found {HERE}
*White Boards:  Kids write spelling words from word list, then write their own words.
*Magnetic Mountain:  Magnetic boards and magnetic letters
*Pocket Place:  Large pocket chart with short a pictures and words can be found {HERE}.  Also at this station are student photos and name cards.  My kiddos practice recognizing faces and names.  Great for the beginning of the year!  
*Word Way:  Write a Rainbow (Dolch words).  These can be found {HERE}.   I'm including our worksheet from this week!  Just click the picture below :)

Our classroom iPad, iPods, and computers are stations as well.  They contain various reading apps, books, and websites in which my kiddos can read & listen to stories or practice word work.  

Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you all have a fabulous week!