
Happy Spring

 Happy Spring!  Hope you're all having a great start to spring!  We wanted to share a few new products that we just added to our store and a new little freebie perfect for spring!

These flash card sets are perfect for addition and subtraction fact practice and go nicely with our
Ice Cream Timed Test Packs  which can be found {HERE}! 
We have a post about using our timed test packs {HERE}, stop on by and check it out if you'd like!


Here are some ideas on how we use these cards in our classrooms!

If you'd like to check out these flash card sets, just click below!

Here's our newest welcome sign added to our store!  
Just in time for spring!
There are 3 versions and the text is editable!  
You can find this sign {HERE}.

Wishing you all a wonderful spring & enjoy your weekend!