
Number Comparison Activities

Hi it's Leslie here!  Hope you're all having a great weekend!  Our weather here has been a little crazy!  One day it's sunny and close to 70, and then the next few days it's raining and we're down to almost freezing at night!  I guess that's Oregon though!  I am sooooo looking forward to spring!  It can't get here fast enough! 
I wanted to share some resources that I LOVE and have been using with my first graders!  
This little gator game is our newest addition to our store.  
My first graders just love it! 
 Here's some info about what's included in this game:

Here's two examples of the four ways to play this game 
(all four ideas are included in this pack).

Here's a little preview of a few of the items in this pack :) 
You can check this game out {HERE}!

Below is an app my first graders enjoy using during math stations.  
Topi-It Addition is an addition game, but also a number comparison game!  A  > or < symbol is shown between the two numbers once the players decide who has the number that is greater.  The =  symbol is shown between the two numbers if the players decide it is a tie. 
I love that they're practicing BOTH skills at once!
You can find this app {HERE}!

This little video is one we enjoy watching!  
My first graders just love the little alligators!

If you're looking for some number comparison review or extra practice worksheets, this worksheet (plus 4 more), have just been added to our store!  This five page set is our newest freebie.
 You can check them out {HERE} 

 If you have some great resources for comparing numbers let us know! 
 Just comment below! 
Thanks so much for stopping by!  
We hope you have a great week!