
Plant Life Cycles

Well Hello Summertime! We had a crazy busy end of school year this year. After 12 years teaching first grade, Erin is moving schools, and will be teaching kindergarten next year, closer to home. We've got some big changes coming up on the blog this summer, so make sure to keep checking in on us! Don't worry, we'll still keep the first grade ideas coming, but we're excited to start to share all sorts of new kinder ideas with you as well. And be sure to be looking for our new blog design. We've just started the process of looking for a great design, so if you have any recommendations, we'd love to hear about them.  But for now...

Here are some plant activities that we incorporated throughout May and into June:

We made anchor charts labeling a plant and about how plants grow.

Then our kiddos each labeled a worksheet about the parts of a flower.

Next we planted Lima Bean and Sunflower seeds in our seed viewer.
 You can check out this seed viewer {HERE}!

Our kids recorded their observations on these pages:

After our seeds had gown into plants, we transplanted them to larger pots,
so our kiddos could continue to see them grow.  

We also planted individual mammoth sunflower seeds for our kiddos.  About mid-late May when our sunflower seeds had grown into seedlings, we attached this cute little sign to craft sticks and tucked them into each pot before they went home.
Here are some great books that we read to our students while learning about plants:

We also incorporated several activities from our latest addition to our TpT store!  
You can check it out {HERE} 

This pack is a great introduction for teaching your students about plant, 
bean and/or sunflower life cycles. 

Included in this mini unit:

 -Life cycle of a plant mini book
 -Life cycle of a plant mini book answer pages

 -Life cycle of a plant mini book with blank lines

 -Cut and glue retell cards for plant life cycle

 -Cards to make your own plant life cycle anchor chart

-Plant vocabulary cards

 -Life cycle of a bean mini book
 -Life cycle of a bean mini book answer pages
 -Life cycle of a bean mini book with blank lines
 -Cut and glue retell cards for bean life cycle
-Cards to make your own bean life cycle anchor chart
 -Bean plant vocabulary cards
 -Life cycle of a sunflower mini book
 -Life cycle of a sunflower mini book answer pages
 -Life cycle of a sunflower mini book with blank lines
-Cut and glue retell cards for sunflower life cycle
 -Cards to make your own sunflower
 life cycle anchor
-Sunflower vocabulary cards. 

If you'd like a copy of our Parts of a Flower worksheet,
 you can find it {HERE}
Our Bean & Sunflower Plant Observation sheets can be found {HERE}
Our sunflower poem printables can be found {HERE}

We're also excited to announce that we are now being featured on Elementary School Blogs, a daily "blog newspaper" of the best elementary school blogs!  Stop by and check them out!
Thanks so much for stopping by!