
Happy Spring

Happy Spring!  We just LOVE this time of year, and definitely are enjoying the mild temperatures that we continue to have!  We wanted to share an update with you all that we have added to our  

We've recently added a large cone along with large scoops to make a class display.  
You can print student names or numbers and attach them to the scoops as they move up.  Here's a picture of how we display our addition cone in our classrooms.  Each child has a number printed on a small piece of paper.  As he/she masters an addition fact, their number gets pinned next to the current fact he/she is working on.  A subtraction cone will be added next week since one of our first graders has made it to subtraction! 
If you've already purchased these packs, be sure to re-download!  
If you'd like to check them out, just click on one of the pictures below!

And if you'd like some place value worksheets, we've added a new freebie to our TpT store!
Since our next math chapters focus on graphing, measurement, & shapes, we still continue to have our kiddos to practice place value, numbers to 120, addition, and subtraction while playing math games, working at math centers, or completing extra practice pages.  
Here's a few place value practice worksheets along with a hundreds, tens, and ones worksheet.
Just click the picture below if you'd like a copy!

This worksheet is included in the pack above and our first graders use it with base ten blocks
We show or say a number and they show the number on this worksheet using base ten blocks.  We also put this out as a math center with number cards and our kids practice with partners.

Thanks so much for stopping by!