
Food Group Fun & A Math Freebie

Hope you're all having a FANTASTIC February! 
 We sure are enjoying the warmer weather we've been having here!  It feels like it's spring.  
Although we definitely like the warmer weather, we sure wish we'd get a little snow this winter.  
Maybe toward the end of the month?  It's pretty unusual for our area to not even get a few snow days so our fingers are crossed!
Place value was our math focus last month, and since our kiddos needed some extra practice using the greater than & less than symbols we created a few extra practice pages.   
If you'd like to grab this free worksheet set just head {HERE}!

We've also just recently finished up learning about nutrition.

Here's a great book that we read to introduce the food groups.  It's full of great information surrounding each food group, and has great info about portions and filling your plate with healthy foods.

If you're looking for a fun song/video the MyPlate Song our kiddos really enjoyed!

And here's our food group unit that we incorporated into our nutrition lessons.

Our unit contains: 

*Food Group Find and Color
*Food Group Mini-Book
*Create Your Own Healthy Plate
*Food Group Flip Book
*Large/Small Food Group Sort
*Food Group Sort Worksheet
*Healthy Plate Homework

If you'd like to check it out, just click {HERE}!

Thanks for stopping by & have a great rest of the week!