
Lesson Plan Notebook Makeover

  Hope you are all having a FABULOUS summer!  It hasn't been much of a summer around here yet, it's been one rainy June around here!  We decided it was time to makeover our lesson plan notebooks and we though we'd share with you all what we keep inside of them.

 Our lesson plans make up the "bulk" of these notebooks and are located at the front.  
We have a master that we copy and fill in weekly.

 We have 5 divided sections with tabs labels for:
School Schedules:  
Here we place schedules from learning specialists, library/PE schedules, computer labs schedules, etc...
Assessment Scores:
All of our district/classroom test scores are stored in this section.
Student Information:
This section contains the student info sheets that we have parents fill out on open house.  These sheets contain student info, bus/pick up info, important phone numbers, and email addresses.  
Emergency Informations:
This section contains allergy information & other school wide student information forms.
Important Notes:
Here we keep notes from parents regarding bus/pick up changes, or any other notes that are important to hold on to.

Behind each tabbed divider is a section cover page (see below for examples).  Behind each cover page is where we keep the important papers and information.  At the end of each section, behind all of the papers, is a pocket folder that can easily hold small notes or other small papers.
If you'd like a copy of these pages, just click below the picture for your copies!

{Click HERE for notebook cover and section cover pages}
****WE'VE UPDATED THE COVER WITH 2014-2015****

Hope you all have a fantastic rest of the week!  
We're definitely hoping for some sunny weather to head this way!

Clipboard Makeovers

Hello summer!  Well, officially it begins on June 20th, but we've been on vacation since June 8th and are truly relaxing and enjoying some much needed family time.  Classroom organization has been on our minds these last few weeks as we've been deciding on where our new smart boards should be mounted.  We loved all of your advice and can't wait to use these newest additions to our classrooms in the fall.  We've had these old clipboards lying around our rooms for quite some time and have been wanting to give them a little makeover.  The two small ones were new purchases at Walmart and were SUPER cheap!  
We found a great tutorial on how to remodel these clipboards over at Skiptomylou, one of our favorite crafty blogs!

After gathering the clipboards, we got out our scrapbook paper, spray adhesive, and clear acrylic sealer.  Then we traced the clipboards and got the paper all trimmed up.  Since we were using large clipboards and our paper was only 12X12 (our large clipboards were about 14 inches long), we cut small strips of paper to fit the top.  Decorative tape would probably work as well, but we didn't have any on hand at the time.

After they were glued and sealed, we attached some ribbon!  Doesn't ribbon just make everything prettier?  The small one on top already has a place ready for it! Right next to one of our laptops.  It seems like when we're sitting at our laptops (which is usually at the end of the day, or when taking attendance or checking our email) we are always in need of paper.  Our sticky notes always seem to disappear and make their way to other parts of our classrooms.  We're sure these cute little boards will stay put!

We've also recently added our June/July Math Journal Questions to our Teachers Pay Teachers Store.  

There are 30 questions which review of the following skills:
*Adding/subtracting single digits
*Adding/subtracting a single digit to/from a double digit number
*Comparing sums and differences
*Place value (grouping 1’s into 10’s)
*Time (counting up one hour/half hour) 
*Shape fractions with halves and fourths

Interested?  Stop on by {HERE} and take a peek!

Have a wonderful week!  We'll be back in a few days!

It's the end of the school year!

Tomorrow is our last day with our kiddos.  We've had a great year and we're both looking forward to family time this summer and lots of other projects.
Here are a few little freebies from this week that we thought you might enjoy!
This little freebie is a word/picture sort activity focusing on
r-controlled vowels that make the er sound.  These cards worked perfectly with the Two and Four Column Double-Sided Pocket Chart
that Homeroom Teacher kindly gave to us to review.  
Here is the four pocket side that worked perfectly for this word sort.
 The two pocket side worked well for a compound word sort that we also did.
We put the compound word on the blue side, and the two words that make the compound word on the green side.

We received this product for free in exchange for an honest review.
The opinions expressed in the above paragraph have not been influenced by the company or the free product mentioned above.

If you'd like a copy of this word/picture sort, just click below this picture.  We've also included a recording sheet.  The word/picture cards could easily be cut on the dotted line to provide more of a challenge for students if needed.   You could have students match the words to the pictures before sorting them into the correct column.

Here's another little freebie that we'd like to share with you all too.  
We like to reward our students that consistently bring back their math homework.  Here's a little insect (since we recently learned about them) inspired math award.  If you're not wanting a math themed award, no worries we've also created a hardworking award that can relate to any subject area!  Just click below the picture for your copy!

We hope you all have a wonderful week and we'll be back in a few days after we get some much needed rest and relaxation!