Well, we've finally gotten into the swing of things and have ventured back into our classrooms. We don't officially go back until Monday, but we just had to get started on our rooms. They are coming along, and we are looking forward to sharing pics with ya'll next week. But for now...
One (of the MANY) major changes to our curriculum this year is in handwriting. For the past 10 years that we've been in the building, we have taught with D'Nealian handwriting. But now it's time for a change. Our building has gone to Handwriting Without Tears, school-wide. We've heard good things, so our fingers are crossed! We know that just about everyone out there has their own alphabet, but we haven't found one that is really perfect for us. So of course, we had to create our own. We included both long and short vowel sounds, as well as digraphs. We may add to it as the year goes on, adding some other vowel sounds, but we'll see. This is as close as we could come to fitting with our new handwriting program. We both have several alphabets up in our room, so although we are keeping up one D'Nealian, we are replacing our others. But, the best thing is... it's FREE!!! So, click on the picture below and grab yourself a copy!
Here's a preview of our alphabet.
If you are looking for more alphabet activities, make sure to check out our All About the Alphabet Pack in our store.
Everyone have a great weekend! We will be busy working on getting things ready to go back to school.