29 December 2011

We're Back & Having a Sale

Well we know it's been a while but we have REALLY been enjoying our time with our families. Winter break has been full of family time and we have been busy playing with our kids and enjoying every single minute of it!

And now we're back and ready to share a few new products that we have just finished working on.

Our January Math Journal Prompts can be found {HERE}

Our math journal prompts for January focus on: subtraction (using fewer & more/less), understanding the meaning of the equal sign, beginning fact families, & place value (1's, 10's, & 100's).

We've also just added a set of subtraction worksheets and they can be found {HERE}!

This set of subtraction worksheets contains 6 different worksheets. Each worksheet has 4 different versions so you can use the version that works best for you and your students.

And finally, to celebrate the upcoming new year, we've decided to throw a sale at our Teachers pay Teachers store. Everything in our store is 20% off through January 2nd.
We're both wishing you a great start in the new year and when we return to work next week, we'll be back with more freebies and ideas from our classrooms to share with you all!


  1. I just wanted to say thank you for your math journal questions. I started using them in the begining of December and they are perfect! I love them and look forward to purchasing every month :-)

  2. Love a good sale and the pics of your families are great!!
    =) Jennifer
    First Grade Blue SKies

  3. I've just awarded you a Versatile Blogger Award. You can pick it up at Versatile Blog Awards at A Teachers Bag of Tricks
    - Lisa

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