29 November 2011

Subtraction Stories

Happy Tuesday! Hope you all are having a wonderful week. We've been busy, busy, busy. We only have a few weeks before our winter break, and so much to do! Subtraction is happening in our classrooms and are kiddos are really grasping the concept of whole, part, part. We try to connect literature as much as we can throughout all content areas, and if we need a particular book, our online public library system is a fantastic resource and of course free! We just LOVE it! If you're looking for a subtraction story, the story below is great!

Our kids enjoy watching Sebastian and his friends as they camp and their items seem to mysteriously disappear. And when our first graders discover who is taking their items, they are even more engaged and eagerly await to see what happens at the end of the story. We like this story so much, that we created a subtraction worksheet to use with the subtraction equations in the story. As we read a subtraction problem, we write it down on the worksheet. We have also incorporated whole, part, part vocabulary in the equations.
See below to get your copy!
We've also included an additional subtraction worksheet that could be used without the story.
Click {Here} for subtraction worksheets

Need a few other book ideas?
The two below are also great read alouds
and perfect for first graders!

Do you have any tips or strategies when teaching subtraction? Just comment below! We'd love to hear any ideas and tips you use when you teach subtraction.
Have a great rest of the week!


  1. Love the look of that Sebastian book- I've never heard of it! thanks for sharing!!

    I just taught my sweet firsties how to subtract using a number line. Well actually it's been about 3 weeks ago now. They love it!!! They love drawing their own number line, too!!

    Marcy @ http://busybeesandcupcakes.blogspot.com

  2. The Book 10 Little Lady Bugs teaches counting back and is great when introducing addition.
